With the beta version of Cortana being released, many are scrambling to get their hands on this new software! But what in the world is Cortana?

Cortana is Microsoft’s voice activated and controlled personal assistant that is comparable to Apple’s Siri. Unlike Siri, Cortana appears to be available for use on both iPhones and Androids, as well as computers.

This feature alone is more than exciting, especially for our team. Many of my colleagues enjoy the benefits of both Mac and PC (I’m writing this with a MacBook Air, with my desktop PC behind it, and an iPhone in my lap) and it would be nice to have the same software on all of these devices.

A few features really seem to excite me the most about Cortana.


Cortana will work on your computers and all other devices…. I’m excited to see how well this works, and how it works when multiple devices are within earshot.


Never again will I forget milk/eggs when I am at the grocery store. Cortana has the ability to set specific errand reminders, such as “Cortana, next time I am at a grocery store, remind me to get eggs.”


While I will always have a soft spot for Siri (my very first virtual assistant) her humor has a very robotic feel to it. I love Siri’s joke when you ask “what is zero divided by zero”, but I can’t wait to see the “learned” mannerisms of Cortana.


This feature is more than I can handle…. You can set up social reminders, such as “next time I am talking to ____________, remind me to tell her _____________.” Seriously? I cannot wait to get my hands on this.


Cortana is said to be incredibly fast at processing requests, quickly providing answers that may have made Siri freeze up. Cortana can calculate, fact-check, and research topics all in the blink of an eye.

Technology is growing at a faster pace each day, and Summit Information Resources intends on taking full advantage of each new product. What are you most excited about for the new Cortana?

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